NATURAL HIGH is partnering with organizations of Ringstad Resort, Sea Safari Marine Technology Partners, The 5,6,7,8th Hour Project, The TeamMapito Family, the Marten and Piet’s Global Network and the Vesterålen Vikings for Ever.
Partnerships with outside organizations include:

Experience the High Arctic
Partner in travel. Personal, individual and in small groups (maximum 7 people per guide).

Aberdeen University – Research | Zoology
Research Interests
Topics of particular interest have included interactions between wildlife populations and fisheries, the impact of anthropogenic noise on marine mammal biology, seal foraging and breeding strategies, and effects of changing prey stocks and climate change on the population dynamics of marine top predators.
Paul Thompson Chartered Biologist and Ecologist.
Helena Hals ↟|⚔|↟ Historian ?
↟|↟Travel back to the wondrous Viking Age ↟|↟
From Northern Norway,
sharing my research and ♡ for Viking culture
Photographer and contributor on the Norwegian Orca ID-project.
Dedicated to long-term research and conservation of Norwegian killer whales. Photographs are analyzed following protocols developed by Bigg (1982)* in Pacific Northeast, using pigmentation and scarring patterns of the dorsal fin and the saddle patch for identification of individuals.
Alpacka Raft – the original packraft brand
Born based on a collective inspiration—a 600-mile packrafting traverse of Alaska’s Brooks Range and a design genius who knew she could make a better-performing packraft. Sheri and Thor Tingey founded Alpacka Raft in the fall of 2000.