Dancing in the light
Photographed with passion from both Antarctica and the High Arctic
Get the ultimate arctic stock footage 4K video
Enhance amazing videos and add impact to corporate projects with our collection of high-quality assets!
Panoramic views
Antarctic panoramic views.
Birds Eye views and the Polar from Above, 180º Panorama HighRes available for print.
ANTARCTIC Peninsula NW & SW, Weddell Sea, Brown Bluff, Devil Island, Esperanza Hope Bay, Paulet island, Seymour Island & Marambio station, Snow Hill island, LeMaire Channel, South Georgia, the Falkland Islands, South Shetlands, Elephant Bransfield, Admiralty Bay & Arctowski, Ferraz, Barrientos Island (Aitcho Islands), Deception Island, Desolation island, Elephant Island, Half Moon & Livingston Islands, Hannah Point, King George Island, Maxwell Bay & Frei, Bellingshausen, Penguin Island & Turret Point, Yankee Harbour & Greenwich Island &More are all in our library and available.

Preview form my other series: ‘The Arctic from Above’.
Greenland E, Svalbard archipelago (Spitsbergen) and Iceland.

We support your Polar event with aerial drone footage for an unforgetable experience, contact us now.